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Bandung Awards 2016

Activity Name Bandung Awards 2016
Description The award for Tourism Actors, Performers Creative Economy, Researchers and others who are considered outstanding in the field of tourism and the creative industries, which ultimately affect the economy of the community in Bandung
Participant - Performers Industry
- Supporting Tourism
- Community Achievement
Coverage Area The Coverage Area is arround of Bandung City, which is :
- Bandung City
- Cimahi City
- Bandung Regency
- West Bandung Regency
- Sumedang Regency
- Garut Regency
Awards Category - Tourist Destination
- Tour Operators / Agents
- Hotels / Accomodations
- Transport Provider
- Cafe & Restaurant
- Fashion Outlet Bandung
- Tourism Education Provider
- Banking Service Provider
- Telecomunication Provider
- Blogger Community / Media
Activity Agenda Day / Time :
Friday, 12 February 2016
At Ballroom Jayakarta Hotel Bandung
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.381A Bandung 40135
06.30 pm until 08.30 pm
Activity :
- Dinner
- Gathering of the Participant
- Conferment of Bandung Awards 2016
Cooperation and Support - Human Resources Management Proffesional Association
- Association within the scope of tourism Bandung
- Performers Travel and Other Industries
Contact Person Address : Jl. Cigadung Raya Barat No.6, Depan Perumahan De Dangau
Telp : 022 250 7050
Whatsapp : 0811 222 7050
Telegram : 0811 222 7050
Email : info@bandungawards.com
Facebook : bandungawards
Twitter : @bdgawards


Team Member

* Prof. Dr. Mohammad Baharun, SH., MA.

Guru besar Sosiologi, Ketua Hukum MUI Pusat, Tokoh Pers.

Team Member

* Dr. Ikke Dewi Sartika.

Tokoh masyarakat Sunda, Praktisi Pariwisata, Seni , Budaya, perkumpulan Raja dan Sultan Nusantara.

Team Member

* Desfitriadi, SE, MM.

Praktisi Organisasi dan Manajemen. Akademisi.

Team Member

* Doddy Sholahudin, Drs., Psi., M.Pd.

Praktisi akademis, Himpunan Psikolog Indonesia.

Team Member

* Herman Muchtar

Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia

Team Member

* Budi Ardiansyah

Asosiasi Perusahaan Perjalanan Wisata Indonesia

Team Member

* Perry Tristanto

Asosiasi Marketing Indonesia

Team Member

* Sugeng Priyono

President Direktur Asosiasi SDM Indonesia

Team Member

* Drs. Pagat Risjanur, Mpd.

Praktisi Budaya dan Pariwisata

* on process of confirmation

Gallery Bandung Awards 2015

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